Manage groups: Login as admin and then go to go “Groups” menu -> Manage groups

The ‘Manage groups” page show you list all groups inside your site and sort by latest. At this page you can:
Set a group as popular by clicking on “Popular” link. The popular group will show at “Popular” widget at group home page.

Popular groups widget/ block: This block display groups that has most joined members or groups that admin manually set as “Popular” in admin panel.
Disable a group: if a group that has some problem and admin need to deactivate it (not delete), Admin can do this by clicking on “Disable” link. Group owner will got a notification to take further actions
Manage admin: click on this link to see list of admin/owner of the group then can login as to edit the group for admin/own on behalf.
Delete a group: click on “Delete” link to permanently delete a group from system. This action can’t undone
Groups categories: Is place where admin can define list of categories for member to select when creating a new group.

Group global settings: Go to admincp -> Site settings -> General configuration -> Group. You can enable/disable the group plugin, upload default cover photo of the group or make the group auto approve or not.

Group role settings: Go to admincp -> Site settings -> Manage user roles -> Select a role and click on “Edit perrmissions”. You can configure which role can create a new group. It’s good option if you need enable paid membership for your site.