If admin enables subscription for website, creates package, enables payment gateway…. then regular user will see option to subscribe to paid package.
If the user has not subscribed to any packages or has subscribed but it has expired, the “Current package” information will be displayed as Free. User can click on “Upgrade membership” to subscribe to active paid plan inside the platform

If the package has trial, member can see “Start trial” to try the package first then system will auto charge after the trial period is over. If the balance inside ewallet is not enough, system will auto assign member back to Free package.
One member ONLY can use FREE TRIAL one-time. It means that if member subscribe and trial PlanA then it’s expired. PlanB also has trial but user can’t try it, only can pay to subscribe.
By default, Auto-renew membership subscription will be notified to users 2 days in advance. Admin can change this value in admin panel

System also Remind users to deposit more when the balance in the e-wallet is lower than 5 to make sure that the system can auto charge member at next billing cycle. The value 5 is also can be configured by admin in admin panel

Member can manage the subscriptions at settings -> Subscriptions

Click on “View” to view details about the subscription plan

At the detailed page, member can click on “Cancel subscription” to cancel and view the transaction history
At each payment cycle, the system will automatically charge the member through the ewallet. Members can check the transaction history on the ewallet home page or go to the subscription details page to view.

If the system cannot charge the member due to insufficient funds in the ewallet, the system will automatically assign the user to the Free membership.
If the member cancels the subscription, the system will mark it as cancelled and automatically assign the member to the Free package at the end of the billing cycle. The user can resume if the subscription has not expired yet
If the admin cancels the member’s subscription on be half in admin panel, the member cannot resume.