Please provide the followings and send to us here
Please note, we will adapt your App’s color to match your current site (unless given by you). All images should be provided in high resolution and should take site’s and app’s color into consideration.
1. Logo at sign up/in, Launcher icon, App Icon, Logo at header, App Name and App Description are required . Minimum resolution is 512×512 px. Just send us your best quality logo you have we will help you create Logo at sign up/in, Launcher icon, App Icon, Logo at header

- Your Apple Developer Account is required. Sign up new account at if you do not have one.
Add as a ADMIN to publish app (if you signed up as a business account) OR give me your Apple account information (including username and password) if you signed up as an individual account. - Your shaunsocial based Site URL
- Site’s Admin account: to install API and App plugin
- Site’s ftp: to install API and App plugin – DON’T PROVIDE THIS IF YOU’RE USING shaunsocial CLOUD
- Please download language file and help to translate to your language (if your site supports English only please skip this step). Unzip the file and translate all phrases to your language follow the instruction here
- App Default Language (if your site supports English only please skip this step)
- Your App Menus if you have custom pages or plugins
- Make sure that you fill in info into Term of Service, About us and Privacy Policy page as it is required policy of Apple in order to get your app approved.
- Your phone number
- Please give us your gmail account info (should create a new gmail) we need to this email to Set up a Firebase for push notification of the app
Normally: It will take around 1-> 3 weeks to get your app ready for download.
Importance: Please make sure you fill in all info of the following pages on your site: About Us, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy. If these pages are empty, APP WILL BE REJECTED.
Please add skype so that we can communicate via skype when working on apps.