The Group plugin is a software extension that allows users to create and manage groups within ShaunSocial platform. Users can create groups, invite others to join, post content within the group, manage group settings, and sometimes even set permissions for who can access specific group content. Essentially, it facilitates the formation of smaller communities within a larger system.

New Groups: this widget will randomly display the latest added groups.
Popular Groups: this widget will randomly display the most popular groups (based on number of members and admin setup).
Explore: this tab displays all updates from all public groups.
Your feeds: this tab displays all updates from groups that you’ve joined or owner/admin.
All Groups: this tab displays all groups in the community.
For you: this tab displays all groups that you may like to join based on your interests. Ex: If you follow the “Sport” hashtag, then the system will show you lists of groups that have this hashtag inside.
Joined: this tab displays groups that you’ve joined or created.